We are an elder-led, non-denominational family that seeks to glorify God through knowing Jesus Christ, treasuring Him, becoming more like Him, and loving others with His love.


We aim to live out this purpose intentionally by gathering for worship, teaching, small groups, caring for one another, serving our community, and going to the lost. Living our life in Christ as a family of believers is more complex than categories can show, but we summarize how we look at our life together with the expression: Gather. Grow. Go.


Sunday mornings here are casual and family-friendly. We believe in Southern hospitality—so expect lots of love along with coffee and breakfast snacks. We have congregational singing with a mix of contemporary Christian music and well-known hymns. We take communion weekly. Preaching is expository and Christ-centered. Finally, we offer a unique worship-learning experience for the kids during Children's Church.



When Jesus Christ instituted the church, His disciples began gathering to live in community with one another as the family of God and body of Christ. For this reason, we believe that gathering is essential to growing closer to God and each other. When we gather, we seek to worship God, care for one another, and serve our community for the glory of God.


Becoming a Christian is not merely a “destination” point for this life; instead, becoming a Christian is the launch pad into living according to God’s glorious design for His people and His kingdom. Part of God’s design includes transformation by the Holy Spirit and growth into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. We seek to grow both as individuals and the body of Christ as we humbly surrender to Him and obey His Word for the glory of God.


Jesus’ final word to His disciples is known as the Great Commission. Jesus, having all authority in heaven and on earth, commissions his disciples to go to people of every nation and make more disciples. Jesus then promises that he will be with them always, even to the end of the age—a command and promise that still stands. We seek to participate in this glorious endeavor
of reaching the lost locally and globally through the way we pray, give, teach, and go, all for the glory of God.



  1. The Way Church was founded in 2014 by Jeremiah McElyea and Jonathan Johnson, with a small group of family and friends
  2. We began gathering in homes of family and friends to worship, pray, and study together.
  3. In 2015 North Alabama Real Estate Solutions gifted their office in the heart of our city as a gathering space for the church.
  4. In 2017 we moved into our current location. Even though the decor has changed, we've remained committed to the vision of helping people love Jesus by gathering consistently, growing in Christ, and going to the lost.



Jonathan Johnson

Jonathan is one of the founders of The Way Church and serves as an elder. He has been married to his wife Alexa for 9 years. They have 4 children. Jonathan enjoys metal detecting, coaching baseball, and collecting sports cards.